mercredi 23 septembre 2009

Out of order

I didn't write anything for ageeeesssssssss............

Why so?
To tell you the truth, I feel a kind of lack of motivation.
A few months ago, I was searching for a new blog website to start it over again but in a better quality version. I mean with a better template, with dedicated sections for topics I like (art, cinema, photography, politics, etc), with a newsletter system... but I didn't find any interesting right now and then, it turns out I had been working on several new projects so I kind of forget my blog...

So I don't really know when I will start it again.
But if you have any ideas or tips, feel free !


2 commentaires:

thomyorkeradio a dit…

II've been in the same situation about my blog.
I just stopped it.
But one day I'll be back, and so will you! :-)

Anonyme a dit…

Nous vous remercions de intiresnuyu iformatsiyu